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Eurasia Tower – Moscow, Russia

Posted in Built by nicholasjames619 on March 1, 2016


 eurasia 1  towe 1


Building:  Eurasia Tower
Location: Moscow, Russia
Architect: Swanke Hayden Connell Architects
Structural Engineer: Thornton Tomesetti
MEP Engineer: Consentini
Developer: MOS City Group
Project Manager: SUMMA

AE Interests: Connected to the Moscow International Business Center (MiBC) Central Core, Eurasia Tower sits at 1,013ft, 72 stories tall. The first mixed-use steel tower in Russia houses apartments, entertainment, and office space, within a 2.2 Million sq ft GFA.
Structural Material: Composite steel/concrete core, composite steel/concrete deck floors, and steel exterior columns

Interactive website with all 72 floor plans: 1
Firm website featuring tower: 2